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EDDM® Can Be A Cost-Effective

What is Every Door Direct Mail®?

Today, the United States Postal Service has a gift for the small business owner. It's called Every Door Direct Mail®! With an EDDM® campaign, the Post Office has made it easy and more affordable for you to reach potential customers. For approximately one third of the cost of a first class stamp per piece, we can send out from 200 up to 5,000 postcards, brochures, or large flyers per day to selected carrier routes within a Zip Code. These mail pieces can weight up to 3.3 ounces and will be delivered to every door within the selected carrier routes without needing a mailing list for the addresses. It's a wonderful way to reach a community to promote your products and services. We are your Every Door Direct Mail® partner from concept review and design through to printing and delivery.

Next Steps

We are ready, willing and able to assist you in fulfilling all of your direct marketing demands including EDDM® services. Step into your local center for a FREE consultation on how we can fulfill your custom direct mail marketing and advertising needs. In doing so, you will not only be greeted warmly and given expert advice on your project, but you will also have the huge advantage of capitalizing on the insight that we have gained by serving the very same community you wish to target with your postcards, brochures, flyers and other promotional pieces.

With us, you will get the personalized attention you deserve and the highest level of quality and service you will find anywhere.


» Use our EDDM® services for cost-effective distribution
» We’ll help you Geo-Target your message to your customers
» Reach from 200 to 5,000 homes and businesses per day per Zip
   Code at a lower cost than traditional mailing

We are your one-stop solution for all your mail marketing products and services

It is no secret that direct mail remains one of the most powerful forms of marketing that puts your postcards, business brochures, flyers and any other advertising pieces right in your customers’ hands.

Click Here to read a more in depth comparison of EDDM® vs. Targeted Direct Mail.