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Make It Personal

Improve your normal 1–2% direct mail response rate by using variable data. We can customize your direct mail pieces specifically for each individual in your audience. This personalized one-to-one marketing approach helps you break through the clutter and appeal to each customer as an individual, which has been proven to boost response rates. Let us help you reach your customers by personalizing a variable data mail piece precisely for them. You can use variable data printing on postcards, brochures, flyers and almost any other printed product.

What is Variable Data

Variable data printing is a form of digital printing that allows text, graphics and images to be changed from one printed piece to the next. The benefits of variable data printing for businesses include the ability to reach customers on a personalized level through direct marketing and advertising campaigns by customizing each printed piece.

Variable data printing is also used to print promotional items such as custom notepads or calendars where the messaging on each page changes while the basic layout remains the same. You can also use variable data printing for personalized letters, invoices, and many other business pieces as well.

Why Variable Data Printing?

Variable Data printing has a much higher rate of return or conversion percentage than generic marketing pieces because they tailored to each customer and therefore are my engaging by design. For example, a local car dealership can use our variable data printing services to have thousands of postcards printed, addressed, personalized, and mailed out. If the postcard is designed with a picture of a new car, the license plate can be changed to the first or last name of that individual customer. Personalized advertising like this is extremely inviting and it is all thanks to variable data printing.

Next Steps:

Visit any of our convenient locations to take advantage of our professional variable data printing capabilities today. We’ll help you meet your unique business needs and offer you a free consultation on how our variable data printing services can help you enhance your direct marketing and advertising efforts. We will give you the type of personalized attention and high level of quality and service you deserve while ensuring that sure all of your items are created, designed, printed and produced to your liking.

Minuteman Press Variable Data Printing Services:

  » We will show you the benefits of variable data printing
  » We will use our variable data printing services to enhance your marketing efforts
  » We will help you stand out and grab your audience’s attention!

Our Variable Data printing services will further enhance your direct marketing and advertising efforts while helping you build and manage your relationships with customers!